Viramundo is part of the Rede Nacional de Combate à Desinformação (National Network to Combat Disinformation)
With four years under its belt, the RNCd (access here) has proven to be highly devoted, tenacious, and innovative. Emerging during the Covid-19 pandemic, when
Your Health in 3 Takes (YH3T), an innovative educommunicative tool
Initially developed in the Unified Health System (SUS), Your Health in 3 Takes, or YH3T, is a tool that uses 3 smartphone photos for educommunicative
A Great Catch-Up
A few days ago, Flavio Wittlin, who support Viramundo institutional projects, had a very productive chat with Dr. Kenesh Dzhusupov from the International School of
Recognition that was well-earned
In August, Erika Larkins, a dedicated advocate for Viramundo from San Diego State University, was granted honorary citizenship of Rio. The award was in recognition
Community Agents for Health Literacy Program (Programa AgPopSUS)
Viramundo was accepted into the AgPopSUS program launched by Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz)Brasília/Ministério da Saúde (MoH). We will train 40 people in one of Rio’s largest slums,
The dam in Paracatu (60 times larger than the Brumadinho one)